supersonic: Bag Pipes on the Bailey
supersonic: Banners waving in the breeze
supersonic: Dignitaries on the balcony
supersonic: Ricky Tomlinson - "My Arse"
supersonic: Ricky Tomlinson
supersonic: Marching along...
supersonic: Brass band on Old Elvet
supersonic: Lara excited to go on the Waltzers
supersonic: Lara prepares to take off
supersonic: "Oh isn't this fun!"
supersonic: Glowing Lara
supersonic: Still marching along Old Elvet
supersonic: Alex does The Wear Steve Redgrave style!
supersonic: Oops about to crash into some girls!
supersonic: Rowing Powerhouse
supersonic: Pusssssh!
supersonic: IMG_7747.JPG
supersonic: IMG_7749.JPG
supersonic: IMG_7750.JPG
supersonic: IMG_7752.JPG
supersonic: IMG_7757.JPG
supersonic: IMG_7766.JPG
supersonic: IMG_7774.JPG
supersonic: IMG_7781.JPG
supersonic: IMG_7787.JPG