supersonic: Stoke to Blackpool
supersonic: Kieren receives voting instructions from Labour HQ
supersonic: Nicola's Aprehensive
supersonic: Ed is excitied...honestly!
supersonic: Kieren & Nicola
supersonic: Spot of Capitalism before conference
supersonic: Ready to go in to conference
supersonic: Surprise, surprise conference starts late!
supersonic: Nicola is awestruck!
supersonic: Davies & Rukin reporting
supersonic: The big screen with lots of er...useful info!
supersonic: Joe tries to persuade us NUS isn't fucked
supersonic: The Big Sign!
supersonic: IMG_2892.JPG
supersonic: Sweet little Gemma
supersonic: Pre-president Gemma
supersonic: "Conference...NUS is at a crossroads!"
supersonic: Fletch chairs the show
supersonic: The screen doesn't lie!
supersonic: Faded Splendor of the Wintergardens
supersonic: Andy Watts addresses conference
supersonic: Check out that beard!
supersonic: Jack 'tory' Holborn Addresses Conference
supersonic: Signing proceedings
supersonic: Oh god another lefty!
supersonic: Peeyder Leary!
supersonic: IMG_2927.JPG
supersonic: IMG_2929.JPG
supersonic: IMG_2930.JPG
supersonic: Durham Labour Faction