supersonic: The first gate of the day
supersonic: Skipping across the train lines
supersonic: Lets hope there are no trains...
supersonic: Ancient woodland
supersonic: Misty start
supersonic: Rosie speeds ahead
supersonic: The path goes on ever upward
supersonic: Brackeny bit
supersonic: Rosie slow, but steady
supersonic: A rocky outcrop
supersonic: Lack of focus
supersonic: Another jaggedy sticky out rock
supersonic: The emerging view
supersonic: Trees in the distance
supersonic: Turneresque skies
supersonic: A hapless group of D of E fellows
supersonic: Small Sheep
supersonic: Another herd of lost D of E chaps
supersonic: And this is where we are...
supersonic: Heather shoots
supersonic: Lichen
supersonic: Heathery edge of the hill
supersonic: Ahhh the clouds are coming...
supersonic: Nice green springy moss
supersonic: Mini houses
supersonic: Another lovely view
supersonic: Rosie scampers off into the distance
supersonic: "Come on Alex hurry up!"
supersonic: More rocks, a view and a teeny bit of snow
supersonic: Rosie plays in the snow