supersonic: Grasovka!
supersonic: Cheers!
supersonic: Close-up on a hottie!
supersonic: IMG_1179.JPG
supersonic: Grasovka
supersonic: IMG_1186.JPG
supersonic: IMG_1188.JPG
supersonic: IMG_1191.JPG
supersonic: IMG_1201.JPG
supersonic: IMG_1204.JPG
supersonic: IMG_1213.JPG
supersonic: IMG_1219.JPG
supersonic: Er...I love you too!
supersonic: IMG_1224.JPG
supersonic: Oh God...what have I done!
supersonic: More wodka please!
supersonic: IMG_1234.JPG
supersonic: Rare sticky post it arrow virus!
supersonic: Post it note jewelery
supersonic: Hurricane George in full flow!
supersonic: IMG_1243.JPG
supersonic: IMG_1248.JPG
supersonic: "Don't be stupid there's nothing on my face!"
supersonic: You messin with me?!
supersonic: This is George's mouth!
supersonic: On the verge of drunken tears!
supersonic: Drinking makes you cool!
supersonic: IMG_1277.JPG
supersonic: Ewww!
supersonic: Aw in't it lovely!