supersonic: Dozy Wasp
supersonic: Green Frog
supersonic: Painted Lady Butterfly
supersonic: A Flying Insecty thing
supersonic: The Kitten
supersonic: Cromorant basking on a log
supersonic: The Geese want in on the lunchtime action
supersonic: A Bird of some description
supersonic: A Seagull takes a break
supersonic: A Young Cormorant
supersonic: Just hanging around in the harbour
supersonic: Where did my beach ball go?
supersonic: Roar!
supersonic: A Big Fat Sealion
supersonic: A sea gull looking for shark bait
supersonic: Mmmm tasty!
supersonic: A friendly shark
supersonic: Cage divers beware!
supersonic: Ah, gotcha this time!
supersonic: Ah crap, missed the food!
supersonic: Whoosh...gotcha!
supersonic: Here sharky, sharky!
supersonic: Lizard close-up 2
supersonic: Lizard close-up
supersonic: Pingu ventures out onto the beach
supersonic: More of those Humpback Whale things...
supersonic: Yawn, now where are those Giraffe
supersonic: Some sort of grazer
supersonic: Aepyceros Melampus
supersonic: Kudu I think!