supersonic: Waiting at the station...
supersonic: The Mascots & Cheerleaders Prepare
supersonic: Hard hitting Palatinate Hack Johnny Allinson rocks up...
supersonic: The Band warm up
supersonic: And at last he's here...
supersonic: Nick Pickles welcomes Bill to Durham
supersonic: A Badger welcomes Bill...
supersonic: and then asks for an Autograph
supersonic: Bill Takes in the entertainment
supersonic: Bryson laps it up...
supersonic: IMG_5847.JPG
supersonic: Bill's car awaits...
supersonic: Bill's car gets some final er...checks
supersonic: Off to the Cathedral for the address...
supersonic: Cheerleading the way...
supersonic: Bill steps out...
supersonic: Addressing the masses
supersonic: "Everything in my life now on will be an anticlimax"
supersonic: "Lovely to be here"
supersonic: Ladies & Gentlemen I give you...
supersonic: Group photo time...
supersonic: Quite a crowd
supersonic: The Animals get involved
supersonic: "So I just stand here do I?"
supersonic: "It really is a zoo here"
supersonic: Roddy : life long Bryson fan realises a dream
supersonic: Nick guards Bill from being Trophied
supersonic: It's really Bill...oh my god!
supersonic: Great isn't he!
supersonic: Don't you dare take a photo...