supersky77: Cime di Sciora
supersky77: Cime di Sciora
supersky77: Cime di Sciora
supersky77: Cristiano e il larice
supersky77: Nuvole
supersky77: I larici e il Badile
supersky77: Che posizione!
supersky77: Tetto alpino
supersky77: Il Badile e la Val Bondasca
supersky77: La Val Bondasca
supersky77: Il Badile e i larici
supersky77: Cime di Sciora
supersky77: Frozen wood
supersky77: Ghiacciai morenti..
supersky77: In the center of the Alps
supersky77: Huge larches in the snow
supersky77: La nevicata
supersky77: April snowfall in Engadine
supersky77: April snowfall in Engadine
supersky77: IMG_0287
supersky77: Broken mountains and plateaus near Spitzhorli
supersky77: Bortelhorn - Punta del Rebbio, Simplon Pass area
supersky77: Beautifyl Weisshorn
supersky77: Fletschorn still covered with glaciers
supersky77: Mighty Aletsch Glacier and its peaks
supersky77: Rough rocky landscape and mighty Altesch Glacier in the background
supersky77: Grosser Aletsch Gletcher
supersky77: Walliser schwarznasenschaf cooling down on a snow patch
supersky77: Is it a sheep?
supersky77: Symmetrical U-shaped Gredetschtal