superpixel: "stuff" barf
superpixel: empty
superpixel: wiring
superpixel: doorway
superpixel: framing
superpixel: electrical
superpixel: ceiling
superpixel: goodbye garage
superpixel: back wall
superpixel: working
superpixel: back wall
superpixel: inspecting
superpixel: framing
superpixel: insulating
superpixel: doorway
superpixel: scary corner
superpixel: window
superpixel: doorway to doorway
superpixel: office door
superpixel: door out
superpixel: my corner
superpixel: fridge
superpixel: the minimalist
superpixel: AC unit
superpixel: outbox
superpixel: decorating process, phase 1
superpixel: the junk pile