supermow: 德和園 Garden of Virtue and Harmony
supermow: 德和園 Garden of Virtue and Harmony
supermow: 大戲樓 Grand Stage
supermow: 大戲樓 Grand Stage
supermow: 大戲樓 Grand Stage
supermow: 慶善堂 Hall of Celebrating Virtues
supermow: 画中游 Strolling Through a Picture Scroll
supermow: 画中游 Strolling Through a Picture Scroll
supermow: 画中游 Strolling Through a Picture Scroll
supermow: 画中游 Strolling Through a Picture Scroll
supermow: 画中游 Strolling Through a Picture Scroll
supermow: 画中游 Strolling Through a Picture Scroll
supermow: 聽鶊館 Hall for Listening to Orioles
supermow: 長廊 The Long Corridor
supermow: Tour Boats
supermow: 佛香閣 Tower of the Fragrance of the Buddha
supermow: 佛香閣 Tower of the Fragrance of the Buddha
supermow: 佛香閣 Tower of the Fragrance of the Buddha
supermow: 佛香閣 Tower of the Fragrance of the Buddha
supermow: 佛香閣 Tower of the Fragrance of the Buddha
supermow: 佛香閣 Tower of the Fragrance of the Buddha
supermow: 佛香閣 Tower of the Fragrance of the Buddha
supermow: 眾香界 Realm of Multitudinous Fragrance
supermow: 眾香界 Realm of Multitudinous Fragrance
supermow: 眾香界 Realm of Multitudinous Fragrance
supermow: 萬壽山
supermow: 萬壽山
supermow: 萬壽山
supermow: 萬壽山
supermow: 萬壽山