superkb: Happy for afternoon drinks
superkb: The river we never managed to run near
superkb: Kevin at TGIFridays (also, for serious)
superkb: Alex at TGIFridays (for serious)
superkb: SXSW happy hour tix
superkb: The VERY first happy hour guests
superkb: Convention Center
superkb: Alex
superkb: Team Kane Street!
superkb: From the roof of Six bar
superkb: Ya!
superkb: Hey, where's Jon?
superkb: Austin
superkb: Trying to locate Jon another night
superkb: Soho
superkb: Best movie theatre ever
superkb: Trying to locate Jon before his premiere
superkb: Kevin reviewing the menu
superkb: Pizza at the movies!
superkb: Searching for Red's Scoot Inn
superkb: Searching for Red's Scoot Inn
superkb: 8bit model
superkb: Dennis
superkb: Alex
superkb: An Akshay and half a Michelle
superkb: But the hat kind of gives it away.
superkb: Er.... I said I wouldn't say who this is...
superkb: I don't remember what happened, but I am pretty sure it was Dennis' fault
superkb: Austin
superkb: Rainy day exploration