superiphi: going there next
superiphi: 2010-04-24 08-20-13 - DSCF8898
superiphi: 2010-04-24 08-19-50 - DSCF8897
superiphi: 2010-04-24 08-19-46 - DSCF8896
superiphi: 2010-04-24 08-19-36 - DSCF8895
superiphi: hill #1
superiphi: road damage
superiphi: going there next
superiphi: morning stroll
superiphi: 2010-04-24 07-54-21 - DSCF8890
superiphi: morning stroll
superiphi: morning stroll
superiphi: morning stroll
superiphi: morning stroll
superiphi: evening arrival, Weinheim
superiphi: evening arrival, Weinheim
superiphi: Weinheim, 9am
superiphi: 2010-04-24 08-25-13 - DSCF8903
superiphi: view from the Burgruine
superiphi: view from the Burgruine
superiphi: Weinheim
superiphi: view on the Wachenburg
superiphi: view on the Wachenburg
superiphi: that forest feeling
superiphi: that forest feeling
superiphi: that forest feeling
superiphi: 2010-04-24 08-42-21 - DSCF8915
superiphi: got to love those roots
superiphi: got to love those roots
superiphi: got to love those roots