4th February - smiley girl
5th February - first dance
5th February - first dance
5th February - first dance
5th February - first dance
feb07 029
7th February - at the jumpy place
feb07 015
9th February - happy boy
12th February - the two of them
feb14 002
feb14 007
feb14 011
feb14 013
feb14 017
feb14 024
feb14 028
14th February - posting hearts
14th February - posting hearts
17th February - tartan boys at the bar
feb18 002
feb19 029
19th Feb - action shot of Eli hitting the puddle
19th Feb - Eli in the puddle
feb19 011
feb19 015
feb19 022
19th February - jumping in muddy puddles
20th Feb - wide angle tunnel
24th February - first sight of spring