1st Jan - Megan testing the paint
3rd January - Eli
3rd January - absolutely three
7th January - making snow angels
7th January - making snow angels
7th January - teeing up the sledge
7th January - Eli gets a go
7th January - snow babies
7th January - hurtling down
8th January - the boy
8th January - the boy
11th January - wedding dress in the snow
11th January - wedding dress in the snow
11th January - wedding dress in the snow
12th January - waiting
14th January - Eel-eye
15th Jan - the top table
15th Jan - the tapping fingers shalom alechem
15th January - the shabbat host
15th Jan - drinking the wine (grape juice)
15th Jan - cheeky grin
15th Jan - wine in one hand, challah in the other
17th Jan - Eli concentrating
18th January - Eli and the colander
18th Jan - bouncing. Kind of
18th January - Megan and Eli
jan21 008
jan21 014
jan21 017
jan21 023