*superhoop*: 19th September - superboy helps Megan open presents
*superhoop*: 19th September - daddy bokeh
*superhoop*: 19th September - I THREE years old now
*superhoop*: 19th September - Eli takes a shine to the princess card
*superhoop*: 19th September - cooking in the new kitchen
*superhoop*: 19th September - modelling the birthday dress
*superhoop*: 19th September - smiley 3 year old
*superhoop*: 19th September - funky outfit
*superhoop*: 19th Sept - Eli and the dough ball
*superhoop*: 19th September - birthday drinks
*superhoop*: 19th September - first sight of the cake
*superhoop*: 19th September - blowing out the candles (first time)
*superhoop*: 19th September - loving the cake
*superhoop*: 19th Sept - Megan unimpressed by cards this year
*superhoop*: 19th Sept - Abi and Eli
*superhoop*: 19th Sept - first go on the new scooter
*superhoop*: 19th Sept - Abi and Megan open presents
*superhoop*: 19th September - me and my big baby
*superhoop*: 19th Sept - Grandma and Eli
*superhoop*: 19th September - smiley Eli
*superhoop*: 19th Sept - Eli and Nick
*superhoop*: 19th Sept - late night seesaw
*superhoop*: 19th Sept - waiting for the cake
*superhoop*: 19th September - wow, cake
*superhoop*: 19th Sept - happy birthday dear Megan, happy birthday to you
*superhoop*: 19th September - blowing out the candles (second time)
*superhoop*: 19th September - tucking into the chocolate cake
*superhoop*: 25th September - concentric circles of gingerbread men (thanks to Abi)
*superhoop*: 25th September - lighting the candles
*superhoop*: 25th September - Dad and the accordian