superholly0926: Dandenong自然保護區野生鸚鵡
superholly0926: Dandenong自然保護區野生鸚鵡
superholly0926: Dandenong自然保護區野生鸚鵡
superholly0926: Dandenong自然保護區野生鸚鵡
superholly0926: Puffing Billy Railway ticket
superholly0926: Puffing Billy Railway ticket
superholly0926: 車站旁的可愛紅色郵筒
superholly0926: Puffing Billy Railway Station
superholly0926: volunteer staff
superholly0926: volunteer staff
superholly0926: BELCRAVE
superholly0926: put ur feet outside of Train
superholly0926: put ur feet outside of Train
superholly0926: steam locomotive
superholly0926: steam locomotive
superholly0926: steam locomotive
superholly0926: steam locomotive
superholly0926: locomotive
superholly0926: volunteer staff
superholly0926: Puffing Billy Steam Train
superholly0926: Puffing Billy Steam Train
superholly0926: Puffing Billy Steam Train
superholly0926: put ur feet outside of Train
superholly0926: Lakeside一抹楓紅
superholly0926: 湖畔車站 Lakeside
superholly0926: 湖畔車站 Lakeside
superholly0926: met baby in Pie in the Sky
superholly0926: "Pie in the Sky" menu
superholly0926: Pie in the Sky「天上掉下來的派」
superholly0926: Pie in the Sky「天上掉下來的派」