superholly0926: colleagues in broccoli farm (Manjimup)
superholly0926: we and small small white
superholly0926: all the way south 一路向南
superholly0926: roadside rural scenery 路邊的田園景色
superholly0926: all the way south 一路向南
superholly0926: all the way south 一路向南
superholly0926: 日本女孩Norie離開
superholly0926: 日本女孩Norie離開
superholly0926: still working 還是有在工作
superholly0926: beautiful broccolis
superholly0926: still working 還是有在工作
superholly0926: still working 還是有在工作
superholly0926: Diamond Tree 鑽石樹
superholly0926: Tree tour members 大樹團團員
superholly0926: King Jarrah 柳桉樹之王
superholly0926: Diamond Tree 鑽石樹
superholly0926: Diamond Tree 鑽石樹
superholly0926: Diamond Tree 鑽石樹
superholly0926: Caravan Park 很屌的漢堡雜貨店
superholly0926: Diamond Tree 鑽石樹
superholly0926: so long~ dear
superholly0926: for Vita Li
superholly0926: for Ginger
superholly0926: Irene's birthday card I made
superholly0926: 草莓海綿蛋糕 straberry cake
superholly0926: 草莓海綿蛋糕 straberry cake
superholly0926: 甜點大師 Nina
superholly0926: 大合照!
superholly0926: Irene's B's Day cake!