superhilac: Eugene cannot escape work
superhilac: Peter is shocked by the drop in the markets today
superhilac: Legs in a photo booth
superhilac: Peel subway station
superhilac: Peel subway station
superhilac: The bachelor and some of his crew
superhilac: Pierre de Montréal
superhilac: Peel subway station
superhilac: Eugène de Montréal
superhilac: The pole dancing got started early...
superhilac: Peter riding the subway
superhilac: Montreal sidewalk to infinity
superhilac: Planning our next stop
superhilac: Still planning our next stop
superhilac: Obviously not wanting to be photographed
superhilac: Notre-Dame Basilica
superhilac: Periwinkle blue dumpster
superhilac: Notre-Dame Basilica is tall
superhilac: Bank of Montreal Head Office
superhilac: Bank of Montreal Head Office
superhilac: Notre-Dame Basilica wooden doorway
superhilac: Notre-Dame Basilica
superhilac: Carriage rides!
superhilac: Old Montreal alleyway
superhilac: Old Montreal alleyway
superhilac: Giant metal doors of Palais de justice de Montréal
superhilac: Number signage
superhilac: Monument at Vaquelin Square
superhilac: Monument at Vaquelin Square
superhilac: Tourism Office at Vaquelin Square