jeaniephelan: DSCN9883view from Conningham beach Judiths photo of Mt Wellington with boat
jeaniephelan: DSCN9887view of Wellington range from Conningham beach Judiths
jeaniephelan: DSCN9890 Pacific gull on buoy off Coningham beach
jeaniephelan: DSCN9892view from Legacy to tinder box lft and Bruny Island Dennes point right Judiths
jeaniephelan: DSCN9897
jeaniephelan: DSCN9914
jeaniephelan: RSCN9937 watched by a Muscovy duck Judiths photo Legacy beach pond
jeaniephelan: RSCN9938 (2)Muscovy duck Cairina moschata native of Mexico and central and south America the best cut Judith Elizondo's photo
jeaniephelan: RSCN9938
jeaniephelan: RSCN9939 (2)Pacific Gull cut Judiths photo Legacy beach
jeaniephelan: Js PMR
jeaniephelan: Js PMR
jeaniephelan: Jds wildflowers
jeaniephelan: Jds wildflowers