jeaniephelan: Tasmanian Cave Spider guarding egg sac
jeaniephelan: Dundas Crocoite Mine with Mike
jeaniephelan: Dundas Crocoite Mine with Mike
jeaniephelan: mining cart Dundas Crocoite Mine with Mike
jeaniephelan: Tasmanian Cave spider and egg sac at the entrance to Dundas Crocoite Mine with Mike
jeaniephelan: Crocoite in the cart while mining with Mike
jeaniephelan: Crocoite I mined
jeaniephelan: some Crocoite I mined with Mike
jeaniephelan: Crocoite I mined with Mike
jeaniephelan: mining with Mike ceresite (Yellow crystals) and crocoite
jeaniephelan: mining with Mike
jeaniephelan: following Mike into the mine
jeaniephelan: entance tunnel is spooky - mining with Mike
jeaniephelan: tunnel sides sparkle with crystals
jeaniephelan: mining with Mike
jeaniephelan: light at the end of the tunnel - is Mike
jeaniephelan: mining with Mike
jeaniephelan: The Rise!
jeaniephelan: The Rise!
jeaniephelan: Mike's mine at Dundas Tasmania
jeaniephelan: Mike's mine at Dundas Tasmania
jeaniephelan: Mike's mine at Dundas Tasmania
jeaniephelan: Mike's mine at Dundas Tasmania
jeaniephelan: Mike's mine at Dundas Tasmania
jeaniephelan: Mike's mine at Dundas Tasmania
jeaniephelan: Tasmanian cave spider male Hickmania troglodytes - Mike's mine at Dundas Tasmania
jeaniephelan: Mike's mine at Dundas Tasmania
jeaniephelan: Mike's mine at Dundas Tasmania
jeaniephelan: Mike's mine at Dundas Tasmania
jeaniephelan: Mike's mine at Dundas Tasmania