jeaniephelan: three catching boat from tribunna
jeaniephelan: the cilos through the window
jeaniephelan: Mt Maria over Darlington Bay - Maria Island
jeaniephelan: Juliet and the luggage trolley
jeaniephelan: heading to the campground from the pier
jeaniephelan: window onto darlington bay
jeaniephelan: whale bones and darlington bay
jeaniephelan: Cape barren Goose Maria isld
jeaniephelan: Cape Barren Geese on Maria island
jeaniephelan: beach view on to Darlington Bay
jeaniephelan: Darlington Bay at dawn
jeaniephelan: Darlington Bay Maria island
jeaniephelan: swallows on Darlington Bay beach
jeaniephelan: masked tern
jeaniephelan: Magpie watched
jeaniephelan: green parrot or swift parrot
jeaniephelan: masked tern in sky
jeaniephelan: masked tern flying
jeaniephelan: nibble time for the wombat
jeaniephelan: A pair of Chessnut teal ducks on beach
jeaniephelan: sunset over Darlington Bay
jeaniephelan: Darlington Bay from campground
jeaniephelan: overcast Darlington Bay Maria Island
jeaniephelan: we had a whale of a time on Maria Island
jeaniephelan: Hopground beach sth of campgd
jeaniephelan: on the path to the painted cliffs
jeaniephelan: Hopground beach Maria island on a fine day
jeaniephelan: Sooty oystercatcher - big bill
jeaniephelan: oystercatcher
jeaniephelan: creek at Hopground beach