Super Gogo: Tasty!
Super Gogo: Wired
Super Gogo: In both hemispheres
Super Gogo: Straddling the Equator
Super Gogo: Equitorial sundial
Super Gogo: Balanced on the Equator
Super Gogo: Scenic stop
Super Gogo: Otavalo market
Super Gogo: Otavalo vendor
Super Gogo: How to choose just one??
Super Gogo: Color overload
Super Gogo: Otavalo food market
Super Gogo: Plucking roses
Super Gogo: Otavalan woman
Super Gogo: Otavalo food market
Super Gogo: Pineapples and more
Super Gogo: So many bananas
Super Gogo: Schoolkids in Otavalo
Super Gogo: Traditional Otavalan dress
Super Gogo: Otavalo textile market (with Imbabura Volcano)
Super Gogo: Fertile hacienda roof
Super Gogo: Amy and I
Super Gogo: Twinsies
Super Gogo: Afternoon hike
Super Gogo: Fiery flower
Super Gogo: Well, maybe not
Super Gogo: Basketball game
Super Gogo: Free throw
Super Gogo: Marty and Larry
Super Gogo: Many instruments