Super Gogo: Cabin reflections
Super Gogo: Cabin porch
Super Gogo: Making dinner
Super Gogo: Dinner in the cabin
Super Gogo: Celebrating my birthday
Super Gogo: Hmmm...
Super Gogo: Lisa loses a shoe in the mud
Super Gogo: Entering the Cathedral
Super Gogo: Reflected trees 2
Super Gogo: Reflected trees 1
Super Gogo: Nature walk with Heidi and Liz
Super Gogo: Red splendor
Super Gogo: Among the grass
Super Gogo: Heidi the photographer
Super Gogo: Tree-hugger
Super Gogo: Magic mushroom
Super Gogo: All the girls
Super Gogo: Frozen stream
Super Gogo: Ready for a campfire
Super Gogo: Mushroom's point of view
Super Gogo: Orange and blue
Super Gogo: Bright fall colors
Super Gogo: The Cathedral
Super Gogo: The master at work
Super Gogo: Dad and daughter
Super Gogo: Fun times
Super Gogo: Girls in the Cathedral
Super Gogo: Testing 1,2,3...
Super Gogo: All together