Super Gogo: "We're not in Chicago anymore, Toto."
Super Gogo: Stretching our legs
Super Gogo: Maria at the truck stop
Super Gogo: Todd ponders a new tape
Super Gogo: World's largest truck stop
Super Gogo: Bringing new hope to New LIfe
Super Gogo: Tools of the trade
Super Gogo: Taking out the trash
Super Gogo: Another load's ready
Super Gogo: Big ole mess
Super Gogo: Flooded kitchen
Super Gogo: A way out
Super Gogo: Rob delivers another load to the dumpster
Super Gogo: Obama's girls
Super Gogo: Ashley pulls off drywall
Super Gogo: Maria vs. drywall
Super Gogo: Anne rips out siding
Super Gogo: Gutting the basement
Super Gogo: Meg wants pop!
Super Gogo: Opening the pop machine
Super Gogo: Boys vs. pop machine
Super Gogo: Mmm, flooded Mountain Dew!
Super Gogo: Ashley shows off pop machine proceeds
Super Gogo: Rob the grillmaster
Super Gogo: Grilled veggies
Super Gogo: Lovely Iowa evening
Super Gogo: Host church's patio
Super Gogo: Hope grows
Super Gogo: Peek in abandoned home