Camera*Girl: Nightscape!
Camera*Girl: White out
Camera*Girl: Symmetry
Camera*Girl: Shhh! Woods under construction
Camera*Girl: If I had the chance I'd ask the world to dance
Camera*Girl: 13.365
Camera*Girl: 26.365
Camera*Girl: 27.365
Camera*Girl: 39.365
Camera*Girl: 53.356
Camera*Girl: 80.365
Camera*Girl: 81.365
Camera*Girl: Washington Bridge take dos!
Camera*Girl: Bridge no. 3
Camera*Girl: New York Minute
Camera*Girl: Corner post
Camera*Girl: A light that burns twice as bright... burns half as long
Camera*Girl: And if you feel just like a tourist in the city you were born
Camera*Girl: From Above
Camera*Girl: The words don't fit the picture
Camera*Girl: finale
Camera*Girl: Light me up
Camera*Girl: Perfection is over rated