Superfish 2019: Apache Plume
Superfish 2019: Ikebana Tree
Superfish 2019: Fall Sun
Superfish 2019: "Pink Ribbon" Ikebana
Superfish 2019: Flavor of the Autumn: Part III
Superfish 2019: Flavor of the Autumn: Part II
Superfish 2019: Flavor of the Autumn: Part I
Superfish 2019: Chrysanthemum
Superfish 2019: Chrysanthemum
Superfish 2019: Free Style
Superfish 2019: Practice-2nd Try
Superfish 2019: Practice
Superfish 2019: First Day of Fall
Superfish 2019: Free Style
Superfish 2019: Traditional Style "Kakubana" using Tulips
Superfish 2019: Anti-seasonal
Superfish 2019: 銀梅花 Myrtle
Superfish 2019: Lily and Carnations
Superfish 2019: Gladiolus: Part II
Superfish 2019: Gladiolus: Part I
Superfish 2019: Fall is coming...! 夏の終わり。
Superfish 2019: Sunflower
Superfish 2019: 元気いっぱい
Superfish 2019: 伸びる