superdilettante: if i only had a brain...
superdilettante: because you can't have too many.
superdilettante: obviously my favorite
superdilettante: popsicle sticks!
superdilettante: shoelaces!!
superdilettante: awesome wooden swords
superdilettante: popsicle stiiiiicks!
superdilettante: I found more popsicle sticks.
superdilettante: these are obviously valuable.
superdilettante: thank god there are still more popsicle sticks.
superdilettante: what I saved
superdilettante: looks so much tinier now.
superdilettante: mystery keys
superdilettante: when I was a kid I would sit with my back against that heat register and read.
superdilettante: lamp. phone. bare floor.
superdilettante: Mom's #1 spot.
superdilettante: there was always a big table here
superdilettante: Western Illinois