milosradovic: electrobeans t-shirt
milosradovic: Mediamarkt Photo Booth
milosradovic: in front of the window
milosradovic: a bit crazy....
milosradovic: désert meets 3 tha dard way
milosradovic: guess what I got...
milosradovic: little Robin
milosradovic: posing...
milosradovic: That's me
milosradovic: milos smile
milosradovic: me in alanya
milosradovic: yes, that's me
milosradovic: nice pain
milosradovic: my new flickr icon
milosradovic: Ich. Hier. Jetzt
milosradovic: bad boy bad boy... what ya gonna do
milosradovic: I like the combination of the iPhone and @CameraBag It's just fun! results are always creative.
milosradovic: What's up!!!