erin & andrew: scraps playing
erin & andrew: scraps @ pete's solstice bday
erin & andrew: scraps @ pete's solstice bday
erin & andrew: scraps @ pete's solstice bday
erin & andrew: scraps @ pete's solstice bday
erin & andrew: scraps @ pete's solstice bday
erin & andrew: scraps @ pete's solstice bday
erin & andrew: scraps @ pete's solstice bday
erin & andrew: scraps @ pete's solstice bday
erin & andrew: scraps @ pete's solstice bday
erin & andrew: erin recording vocals
erin & andrew: andrew recording vocals
erin & andrew: recording the theramin
erin & andrew: the recording room
erin & andrew: listening
erin & andrew: erin's inspiration
erin & andrew: where it happens
erin & andrew: how i do recording
erin & andrew: recording guitar
erin & andrew: recording theramin
erin & andrew: recording keys
erin & andrew: the dude that recorded us and andrew
erin & andrew: me on the couch. still.