@superamit: Dave Morin at the Grove
@superamit: Kristen Taylor at Ritual Roasters
@superamit: Chris Messina at Ritual Roasters
@superamit: Jason Lewis with his Absinthe Lollipop
@superamit: Videochatting with Zach Klein
@superamit: Meg Mateo Ilasco
@superamit: Videochatting with Jinal Shah
@superamit: Videochatting with Mike Krypel
@superamit: The team at Chronicle Books
@superamit: Potter Craft (Random House) team
@superamit: The guys at St. Martin's brands group did Mark Frauenfelder's book, and they actually get the web.
@superamit: The team at Workman Publishing
@superamit: The team at Simon Spotlight (Simon & Schuster)
@superamit: Khoi Vinh at the New York Times
@superamit: David Brommer and Jennifer Diamond at B&H
@superamit: Jinal Shah of POKE
@superamit: John Ratcliffe-Lee of MWW
@superamit: Sam Lessin of Drop.io
@superamit: Chris Herron
@superamit: Alexis of RGA and MobileCamp
@superamit: Video chatting with Dan Peguine of Honesty Box this morning
@superamit: Jim Levine with his Kindle
@superamit: Jonah Staw, Co-Founder of LittleMissMatched
@superamit: This is Photojojo's Book Agent
@superamit: Me and a friend
@superamit: Ron Gutman -- we met to talk about a cool new SF/NYC event he's planning
@superamit: This is Andy Chen. He used to be an EIR at MDV, and now he's raising funding for a casual gaming company.
@superamit: Gary Hawkey. He runs an awesome book-printing outfit in Seattle
@superamit: Jed Stremel (VP Mobile, Facebook) and Douglas Garland (EIR, Kleiner Perkins)
@superamit: [redacted] of Heysan