Dave Morin at the Grove
Kristen Taylor at Ritual Roasters
Chris Messina at Ritual Roasters
Jason Lewis with his Absinthe Lollipop
Videochatting with Zach Klein
Meg Mateo Ilasco
Videochatting with Jinal Shah
Videochatting with Mike Krypel
The team at Chronicle Books
Potter Craft (Random House) team
The guys at St. Martin's brands group did Mark Frauenfelder's book, and they actually get the web.
The team at Workman Publishing
The team at Simon Spotlight (Simon & Schuster)
Khoi Vinh at the New York Times
David Brommer and Jennifer Diamond at B&H
Jinal Shah of POKE
John Ratcliffe-Lee of MWW
Sam Lessin of Drop.io
Chris Herron
Alexis of RGA and MobileCamp
Video chatting with Dan Peguine of Honesty Box this morning
Jim Levine with his Kindle
Jonah Staw, Co-Founder of LittleMissMatched
This is Photojojo's Book Agent
Me and a friend
Ron Gutman -- we met to talk about a cool new SF/NYC event he's planning
This is Andy Chen. He used to be an EIR at MDV, and now he's raising funding for a casual gaming company.
Gary Hawkey. He runs an awesome book-printing outfit in Seattle
Jed Stremel (VP Mobile, Facebook) and Douglas Garland (EIR, Kleiner Perkins)
[redacted] of Heysan