@superamit: DSC_6890.JPG
@superamit: DSC_6889-edited.jpg
@superamit: San Francisco Colors
@superamit: San Francisco Colors
@superamit: Golden Gate Park Botanical Garden
@superamit: Dusk in Inner Sunset
@superamit: Golden Gate Park Botanical Garden
@superamit: A booth making fun of scientology and Ron Hubbard
@superamit: Crazy car
@superamit: Big Red ball of love
@superamit: Dusk in San Fran (heading home)
@superamit: Working from Citizen Space today
@superamit: San Francisco's only INDEPENDENT pirate supply store
@superamit: McSweeney's Pirate Store (826 Valencia, San Francisco)
@superamit: San Francisco Colors
@superamit: San Francisco Colors
@superamit: Electric pole
@superamit: Message Bottles at McSweeney's Pirate Store
@superamit: McSweeney's is Open
@superamit: San Francisco Colors
@superamit: IMG_0025.JPG
@superamit: The mission stencil story is awesome.
@superamit: I'm moving to San Francisco today! (on the bus to Laguardia)
@superamit: IMG_0032.JPG
@superamit: SuperHappyDevHouse 21. 100+ awesome, happy, active hackers
@superamit: Some photos of mine up on the wall at the Eye-Fi launch party
@superamit: Matt Nuzaco (Nuzz) and Andy Smith (Termie) at MobileCampSF
@superamit: Duboce Park is a dog park a few blocks from my apartment
@superamit: Sumul, Maudie, and Ben outside Pizzaiola in Oakland, CA
@superamit: Gary Hawkey. He runs an awesome book-printing outfit in Seattle