San Francisco Colors
San Francisco Colors
Golden Gate Park Botanical Garden
Dusk in Inner Sunset
Golden Gate Park Botanical Garden
A booth making fun of scientology and Ron Hubbard
Crazy car
Big Red ball of love
Dusk in San Fran (heading home)
Working from Citizen Space today
San Francisco's only INDEPENDENT pirate supply store
McSweeney's Pirate Store (826 Valencia, San Francisco)
San Francisco Colors
San Francisco Colors
Electric pole
Message Bottles at McSweeney's Pirate Store
McSweeney's is Open
San Francisco Colors
The mission stencil story is awesome.
I'm moving to San Francisco today! (on the bus to Laguardia)
SuperHappyDevHouse 21. 100+ awesome, happy, active hackers
Some photos of mine up on the wall at the Eye-Fi launch party
Matt Nuzaco (Nuzz) and Andy Smith (Termie) at MobileCampSF
Duboce Park is a dog park a few blocks from my apartment
Sumul, Maudie, and Ben outside Pizzaiola in Oakland, CA
Gary Hawkey. He runs an awesome book-printing outfit in Seattle