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houses that pose by Super G
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Super G
uncertain fate
Super G
geometry of chance
Super G
quiet now
Super G
caught in your own creation
Super G
she comes to you light as the breeze
Super G
uncertain tangle
Super G
uncertain reflection
Super G
uncertain emptiness
Super G
my method is uncertain
Super G
it haunts me when you're gone
Super G
just traces of something
Super G
spinning whirlwinds
Super G
gathering the dusk
Super G
we're driving cadillacs in our dreams
Super G
wandering around the house
Super G
faded into cracks of dawn
Super G
lost in cheap delirium
Super G
remember the time
Super G
I can't forget but I don't remember what
Super G
Super G
no vacancy, just emptiness
Super G
underground invasion
Super G
emotional weather report
Super G
The bittersweet between my teeth
Super G
uncertain smile
Super G
In my dreams I see....
Super G
won't take nothing but a memory
Super G
abandoned farmhouse
Super G
Bldg 238
Super G
It just stands still
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