Super G: into the trees
Super G: a numinous shimmer at the edges of the everyday
Super G: open into portal seventeen
Super G: the line of strength that pulls me through the fear
Super G: hard to control when it begins
Super G: soft disturbance in the dead of fall
Super G: trying to find the in-betweens
Super G: dancing in the nude
Super G: illusion & dream
Super G: birds and ships
Super G: new leaf
Super G: just a shot in the light
Super G: call it what you want
Super G: the valley of unrest
Super G: awaiting the consequence
Super G: I took a sip of something poison but I’ll hold on tight
Super G: mixed emulsions
Super G: el mariachi
Super G: there's no way to pull the blinds
Super G: shifting symmetries
Super G: a stone worn smooth by the swift currents of chaos
Super G: it's in the story of where you came from
Super G: same kind of gateway without time
Super G: you can feel it and dream it
Super G: forest of bygones
Super G: stalactite stems
Super G: daybreak sky lights up the grid we live in
Super G: reflected pieces of the sun
Super G: it's real, but it ain't exactly there
Super G: beach house