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cell phone by Super G
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Super G
Super G
walking at night, alone
Super G
ballet school
Super G
bygone necessity
Super G
you are the music while the music lasts
Super G
Have a wonnerful
Super G
release the panic
Super G
a memory that I cannot gather anymore
Super G
immerse yourself in the moment
Super G
Merry Christmas
Super G
docked in tempestuous bays
Super G
find a way through, around, or over
Super G
hope is tomorrow's veneer over today's disappointment
Super G
the stability of what is seen and felt beneath our feet is an illusion
Super G
backwards through time and space and I disintegrate
Super G
H p dR ( X ) = Ker( d j p ( X ) ) Im( d j p
Super G
ectopic stroll
Super G
a portal left to be tried
Super G
the paralysis of hissing imminent danger
Super G
infinity it falls, in feathery folds but she bites like loveless ice
Super G
I should have believed Eve
Super G
November 8-0-2
Super G
steady repetition is a compulsion mutually reinforced
Super G
a labyrinth of crystal tumors and frozen columns where history becomes future, then becomes now in total blackness, time has no meaning
Super G
botanic boudoir
Super G
Fixed Forms and the Expression of the Courtly Ideal
Super G
the hammer falls and it's going, going, gone