superjosh!: Crappy motel in Fort Bragg
superjosh!: On the edge of PCH
superjosh!: My first evening in SF on the way to delicious ethiopean food
superjosh!: Morning in Alamo Square, San Francisco
superjosh!: Jim, Amanda... and Jim
superjosh!: The Frisbee stylings of Jimmy D
superjosh!: I see so much beauty...
superjosh!: Golden Gate Park, SF
superjosh!: This time it's not my fault it's blurry
superjosh!: Cool bench
superjosh!: Jim & 'Manda
superjosh!: Cool tree
superjosh!: DELICIOUS: 1 of 3 I think
superjosh!: 'Lil somethin'
superjosh!: Delicious
superjosh!: 'Lil Unibomber
superjosh!: Go to SF for the Massage
superjosh!: Morning upon leaving SF
superjosh!: Morning btw LA and SF
superjosh!: In the Santa Monica Mountains
superjosh!: Griffith Park in LA
superjosh!: Morning in LA: Get Awesome then Be Awesome