New_Paltz: 1 Check-in here
New_Paltz: 2 Joyce Minard greets
New_Paltz: 3a Auction table
New_Paltz: 4 Barbara Caldwell welcomes
New_Paltz: 5 Craig selling raffle tickets
New_Paltz: 6 Here's some winners - Novis
New_Paltz: 7 Lisa, Shelley, Bernadette, and Linda
New_Paltz: 8 Balcony shot 3
New_Paltz: 9 great smiles
New_Paltz: 10 Mary Jane and AJ
New_Paltz: 11 Balcony shot 1
New_Paltz: 12 Colleen and Marc Schain
New_Paltz: 13 The Benjamins
New_Paltz: 14 The Heins
New_Paltz: 15 Balcony shot 2
New_Paltz: 16 The Henriques
New_Paltz: 17 Sponsor screen
New_Paltz: 18 Robin, Craig, and Bernadette
New_Paltz: 19 Dinner is being served
New_Paltz: 19 Dinner is being served 2
New_Paltz: 20 Joyce and Robert at the podium1
New_Paltz: 21 President Christian at the podium1
New_Paltz: 22 Barbara at podium1
New_Paltz: 23 Barbara at podium2
New_Paltz: 24 Barbara singing duet
New_Paltz: 25 Barbara's Duet 2
New_Paltz: 26 Barbara's table
New_Paltz: 27 The president's table 2
New_Paltz: 28 Barbara and President Christian 3
New_Paltz: 28 Barbara dancing