SunyFLx4: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
SunyFLx4: Roseate Spoonbill
SunyFLx4: American Bittern - Eyeing the Situation
SunyFLx4: Snowy Egret
SunyFLx4: Great Blue Heron Focused
SunyFLx4: Natures Perfect Landing Gear
SunyFLx4: Purple Gallinule at the Circle B Bar Reserve [Explored]
SunyFLx4: Great Blue Heron Nest Along Alligator Alley CBBR
SunyFLx4: Squirell Chases Hawk Away
SunyFLx4: Happy Mother's Day!
SunyFLx4: The Northern Cardinal
SunyFLx4: Hey, what are you looking at!
SunyFLx4: Reddish Egret puffed-up with an attitude!
SunyFLx4: I'm so pretty, oh so pretty!
SunyFLx4: Great Blue Heron - The end of another beautiful day
SunyFLx4: Grackle behavior…
SunyFLx4: Hello there – I will pose for peanuts!
SunyFLx4: Happy Valentine's Day!
SunyFLx4: Male Hooded Merganser - Viera Wetlands
SunyFLx4: Female Boat-tailed Grackle
SunyFLx4: American Flamingo
SunyFLx4: Great Blue Heron
SunyFLx4: Roseate Spoonbill
SunyFLx4: Peacock Feather
SunyFLx4: Great Blue Heron on the Shore of Lake Morton
SunyFLx4: Mute Swan on Lake Morton [Explored]
SunyFLx4: I See You!
SunyFLx4: Walk This Way Little Brother!!
SunyFLx4: I think we're a little low...someone check our altitude!
SunyFLx4: Limpkin Chicks and Mommy