waysun: ceremony-verleihung
waysun: ceremony-verleihung
waysun: ceremony-verleihung
waysun: ceremony-verleihung
waysun: me giving the speech
waysun: me giving the speech
waysun: me giving the speech
waysun: me giving the speech
waysun: me giving the speech
waysun: me giving the speech
waysun: me giving the speech
waysun: 我和猪猪
waysun: 大丹丹和我
waysun: 大丹丹和猪猪
waysun: 大丹丹和猪猪
waysun: prof. schellenberg
waysun: prof. schellenberg
waysun: anja robert 安姐一家
waysun: anja robert 安姐一家
waysun: anja robert 安姐一家
waysun: Prof.Lippert
waysun: Prof. Joppien
waysun: 猎人教授,本届系主任,强人一个
waysun: 猎人教授,本届系主任,强人一个
waysun: johannes martin
waysun: with prof.rahbaba
waysun: with dekan assistant
waysun: 猪猪回想六年
waysun: me and zhuzhu 我和猪猪
waysun: me