suntonova: Louis with a bow
suntonova: Jorge as Bill the Cat
suntonova: Boris in the lilac Bush
suntonova: IMG_9328
suntonova: Boris eats Cheer Bear
suntonova: IMG_9463
suntonova: IMG_9485
suntonova: Rambo, aka "Sweetie"
suntonova: poms at the handfasting
suntonova: family photo full
suntonova: DSC04305
suntonova: Louis on the water's edge.
suntonova: Jorge with his head in a bag.
suntonova: Yuki wants to pray with you
suntonova: Yuki and the mantis
suntonova: Mantis on Door
suntonova: Mantis on Door
suntonova: Cat's on the bed
suntonova: How much is that Jorge in the window?
suntonova: Ophelia and yarn, summer 2007
suntonova: Louis in motion
suntonova: Turtle on the aquarium tree