sunshine's creations:
Pres and type in desseret news room
sunshine's creations:
press in desseret news room
sunshine's creations:
Desseret News Room
sunshine's creations:
press in benjamin franklin room
sunshine's creations:
benjamin franklin room oom and press
sunshine's creations:
Benjamin franklin room
sunshine's creations:
B franklin print shop room
sunshine's creations:
more palmyra room
sunshine's creations:
Palmyra room
sunshine's creations:
Lyno type machine
sunshine's creations:
first 16 pages of the book of mormon
sunshine's creations:
type that has been dumped on accident
sunshine's creations:
sewing a book
sunshine's creations:
monotype machine and glue up for a book
sunshine's creations:
plainng a book
sunshine's creations:
font used in Gutenberg bible
sunshine's creations:
kiln and crucuble holding molten led
sunshine's creations:
made type letter B
sunshine's creations:
Gutenberg room
sunshine's creations:
display cases
sunshine's creations:
how a page is laid out
sunshine's creations:
notes telling printers what to do