sunshine's creations:
repaired alter cloths
sunshine's creations:
all of the needle point details
sunshine's creations:
center harp
sunshine's creations:
sunshine's creations:
sunshine's creations:
Old Gauntlets
sunshine's creations:
back of work
sunshine's creations:
front of work
sunshine's creations:
repair work job (holes)
sunshine's creations:
repair work job (holes)
sunshine's creations:
repair work job (holes)
sunshine's creations:
repair work job (holes)
sunshine's creations:
repair work job (holes)
sunshine's creations:
afghan in need of repair
sunshine's creations:
afghan needing repairs
sunshine's creations:
more afghan needing repairs
sunshine's creations:
fringe edge on afghan needing repairs
sunshine's creations:
matching thread to repair afghan with
sunshine's creations:
center rose of afghan
sunshine's creations:
leaves of afghan
sunshine's creations:
white section of motif block
sunshine's creations:
continuing white section
sunshine's creations:
mock block made
sunshine's creations:
fitting to see if right
sunshine's creations:
mock block with fringe
sunshine's creations:
yes they are the right fit
sunshine's creations:
making mock blocks
sunshine's creations:
soap I use in cleaning for repairs
sunshine's creations:
damage block
sunshine's creations:
securing stitches that are already loose