sunshine's creations: Center section of Halloween yoyo blanket / back side
sunshine's creations: front of halloween yo yo quilt
sunshine's creations: Progress on Halloween yo yo quilt
sunshine's creations: center medallion
sunshine's creations: progress on yoyo quilt/ standing on chair
sunshine's creations: progress on yoyo quilt standing on stairs
sunshine's creations: still working on it
sunshine's creations: yarnmammas yoyos
sunshine's creations: farmgirlwannabe
sunshine's creations: start of halloween yoyos
sunshine's creations: the rustic cottage yoyo's for swap
sunshine's creations: witch on halloween tree
sunshine's creations: Halloween tree
sunshine's creations: Halloween tree
sunshine's creations: 3 little girls Halloween
sunshine's creations: 3 little girls Halloween
sunshine's creations: little princess
sunshine's creations: decorations on halloween tree
sunshine's creations: ornament on halloween tree
sunshine's creations: halloween dolls