Sunshine Aurora: 100_1310
Sunshine Aurora: 100_2043
Sunshine Aurora: Building in Richmond
Sunshine Aurora: Yea they are close to finishing this section yea!!!!
Sunshine Aurora: 100_2724
Sunshine Aurora: Down town Richmond I love this area.
Sunshine Aurora: 100_2725
Sunshine Aurora: Our bridge to no wear.
Sunshine Aurora: Our roads our still be worked on.
Sunshine Aurora: Leaving Richmond it began to rain.
Sunshine Aurora: Windows in Richmond they have alot of great Architecture.
Sunshine Aurora: 100_2587
Sunshine Aurora: 100_2585
Sunshine Aurora: 100_2586
Sunshine Aurora: 100_2463
Sunshine Aurora: 100_2582
Sunshine Aurora: Windows in Richmond.
Sunshine Aurora: Building in Richmond
Sunshine Aurora: I just thought this was so cool!
Sunshine Aurora: Dragon tatto.
Sunshine Aurora: Trough the looking glass.
Sunshine Aurora: I love seeing them so close over heads.
Sunshine Aurora: Amazing what it takes to build theses over passes.
Sunshine Aurora: Im not sure I want to go down this road at any speed!
Sunshine Aurora: Grave yard across from my house.
Sunshine Aurora: Red Crane