shortie66: 1st day @ School
shortie66: Uniform!
shortie66: 4th birthday
shortie66: Hedgehog? I wanted a parrot!
shortie66: Not sure about this?
shortie66: Get out of the way spiderman!
shortie66: I hate spiderman!!!!
shortie66: cry baby
shortie66: Nice knee high socks!
shortie66: Awesome sofa!
shortie66: Clown boarding!
shortie66: So ahead of the times!
shortie66: Tartan!
shortie66: Blondie
shortie66: BIG Lunch!
shortie66: Angelic?
shortie66: I love this sofa!
shortie66: GRIN!!!
shortie66: Dad & me on the wooden bridge!
shortie66: Me? Sitting? not for long!
shortie66: That stinks, I'm off!
shortie66: Who's idea was it to play here?
shortie66: Dad, me and planes!
shortie66: Pouting
shortie66: Yes sir!
shortie66: Doggy paddle
shortie66: Front door