Rick Shackletons Photographic Adventures:
Sippy Straw Dragonfly
Rick Shackletons Photographic Adventures:
Body English
Rick Shackletons Photographic Adventures:
Cherished Friend
Rick Shackletons Photographic Adventures:
Cajun Pepper Dragonfly 02
Rick Shackletons Photographic Adventures:
Cajun Pepper Dragonfly
Rick Shackletons Photographic Adventures:
Oogle Eyes
Rick Shackletons Photographic Adventures:
Hey, Ya Mind, I'm Busy!
Rick Shackletons Photographic Adventures:
Seaside Dragonlet (Erythrodiplax berenice)
Rick Shackletons Photographic Adventures:
Wide Screen Willy
Rick Shackletons Photographic Adventures:
Blue Dasher (Pachydiplax longipennis)
Rick Shackletons Photographic Adventures:
Carolina Saddlebags (Tramea carolina)
Rick Shackletons Photographic Adventures:
Blue Corporal (Ladona deplanata)
Rick Shackletons Photographic Adventures:
Band-winged Dragonlet - Erythrodiplax umbrata
Rick Shackletons Photographic Adventures:
Rick Shackletons Photographic Adventures:
Eastern Pondhawk - Erythemis simplicicollis
Rick Shackletons Photographic Adventures:
Naples Zoo Photo Contest Winner - Blue Skimmer Dragonfly
Rick Shackletons Photographic Adventures:
Twigged Out
Rick Shackletons Photographic Adventures:
Dancing With Sunlight
Rick Shackletons Photographic Adventures:
Crocothemis servilia
Rick Shackletons Photographic Adventures:
Crocothemis servilia
Rick Shackletons Photographic Adventures:
Regal Darner - Coryphaeschna ingens
Rick Shackletons Photographic Adventures:
Halloween Pennant (Celithemis eponina)
Rick Shackletons Photographic Adventures:
Immature - Blue Dasher (Pachydiplax longipennis)
Rick Shackletons Photographic Adventures:
Out On A Limb
Rick Shackletons Photographic Adventures:
Dragonfly Close-up
Rick Shackletons Photographic Adventures:
Good Morning Sunshine
Rick Shackletons Photographic Adventures:
In Your Garden of Green
Rick Shackletons Photographic Adventures:
Who Else Keeps The Tension
Rick Shackletons Photographic Adventures:
It's Hard Keeping Up with the Grandkids
Rick Shackletons Photographic Adventures:
Messing With My Shot