Kathy Fenton: stepping out for spring - the Emerald Queen
Kathy Fenton: flowers of the Emerald Queen Maple
Kathy Fenton: contrasts
Kathy Fenton: b.l.i.z.z.a.r.d
Kathy Fenton: rain dance
Kathy Fenton: winter whispers
Kathy Fenton: when the sun meets the sky*
Kathy Fenton: cool, cloudy Memorial Day, 2008
Kathy Fenton: sounds of fall
Kathy Fenton: hint of green
Kathy Fenton: looking up through the leaves
Kathy Fenton: perfection
Kathy Fenton: reflections
Kathy Fenton: peak of the Emerald Queen
Kathy Fenton: Pat in the garden
Kathy Fenton: front yard
Kathy Fenton: beginning of the end - until next spring!
Kathy Fenton: afternoon rain
Kathy Fenton: excuse me while I kiss the sky
Kathy Fenton: first light on the Emerald Queen
Kathy Fenton: lunacy
Kathy Fenton: from the inside looking out
Kathy Fenton: winters past
Kathy Fenton: heartbeat of fall