Kathy Fenton: old_nest
Kathy Fenton: Rio Puerco
Kathy Fenton: deciding how to cross the Rio Puerco
Kathy Fenton: close up of the Rio Puerco
Kathy Fenton: SV09_P1N2_1
Kathy Fenton: SV09_P1N2_2
Kathy Fenton: SV09_P1N2_3
Kathy Fenton: P7203354e
Kathy Fenton: P7203355e
Kathy Fenton: P7203356e
Kathy Fenton: P7203357e
Kathy Fenton: P7203358e
Kathy Fenton: P7203359e
Kathy Fenton: P7203360e
Kathy Fenton: P7203361e
Kathy Fenton: P7203362e
Kathy Fenton: P7203363e
Kathy Fenton: Beth emerges from the Rio Puerco
Kathy Fenton: mud-covered Beth
Kathy Fenton: drinking water at the truck
Kathy Fenton: organization
Kathy Fenton: getting ready for the group photo
Kathy Fenton: waiting for the photographer
Kathy Fenton: Albuquerque - group photo
Kathy Fenton: Albuquerque crew - at the end of the final day