hartnm1: The bakeries were beyond my wildest expectations.
hartnm1: Legend says if lovers leave a lock on the bridge over the Seine, their love with last for all time.
hartnm1: Cafe de Flore. Most expensive dessert and Cafe Creme I have ever had. But it was worth it.
hartnm1: Street artist.
hartnm1: At Cafe Charlot.
hartnm1: Rodin
hartnm1: Inside Rodin's home.
hartnm1: Favorite neighborhood. Le Marais.
hartnm1: Tried to secretly take this guys portrait (think I got away with it)
hartnm1: Cafe Charlot
hartnm1: Loved the wall colors in this cafe.
hartnm1: An author unknown to me, caused quite a stir with paparazzi.
hartnm1: I joined the paparazzi.
hartnm1: Artists inside the basilica.