sunnybuick: A little more progress on my sign reminding customers to have the courage of a tiger. #oneshotpaint #signpainting
sunnybuick: WIP snakes and glitter
sunnybuick: Second flash collection of milagros ready for color. I have 4 more at least! Crazy for hearts and love and Miracles! #milagros
sunnybuick: I want to show you all my heart. I want it to open up and overflow. I want love to drown out the fear and paranoïa that so often darkens the days of an overly sensitive person like me.
sunnybuick: Réady for color. Just trying to keep focused on love and miracles. #milagros
sunnybuick: Drawing for a half sleeve. Can't wait!
sunnybuick: WIP little sign for my shop #oneshotpaint #signpainting #sunnybuick #oldschooltattoo #paristattoo
sunnybuick: Logo I did for Women Interdisciplinary Transcendent Creative Haven #gangofwitches #coven #artistrevolution #artistrevolt #feminist #fullmoon #newmoon #seance #mystical #mystic
sunnybuick: Good luck guaranteed with every tattoo! #sunnybuick #oldschooltattoo #paristattoo
sunnybuick: Night balloon for dreams and beautiful voyages. I would love to tattoo this #sunnybuick #oldschooltattoo #paristattoo #hotairballoon
sunnybuick: Circus Writer
sunnybuick: Sirene
sunnybuick: Friendship
sunnybuick: Gambler
sunnybuick: Cats!
sunnybuick: Carte Postale Le Pied de Biche
sunnybuick: Frontspiece
sunnybuick: Front Piece 2
sunnybuick: Virgen
sunnybuick: Bouquet
sunnybuick: China Doll and Kitty
sunnybuick: Gypsy Poppies
sunnybuick: Poppy Thief
sunnybuick: Man's Ruin
sunnybuick: Wahini Ukulele Surfing Tiki
sunnybuick: Butterfly Girlhead
sunnybuick: La Gitane
sunnybuick: Dragon Lady Tattoo
sunnybuick: Enchanted Tiki Mug
sunnybuick: Le Tiki Lounge