sunnybrook100: "House of God" - Van Buren, Arkansas
sunnybrook100: South Side of United Pentecostal Church Sign - Van Buren, Arkansas
sunnybrook100: South Side of the Second Story and Tower of United Pentecostal Church Sign - Van Buren, Arkansas
sunnybrook100: South Side of the Tower of the United Pentacostal Church Sign - Van Buren, Arkansas
sunnybrook100: Dormer Window on the South Side of the United Pentacostal Church Sign - Van Buren, Arkansas
sunnybrook100: Second-Storey Stained Glass Window on the United Pentacostal Church Sign - Van Buren, Arkansas
sunnybrook100: West End of the United Pentacostal Church Sign - Van Buren, Arkansas
sunnybrook100: West End of the Second Storey of the United Pentacostal Church Sign - Van Buren, Arkansas
sunnybrook100: Second Storey Stained Glass Windows and Tower on the South Side of the United Pentacostal Church Sign - Van Buren, Arkansas
sunnybrook100: East End of the United Pentacostal Church Sign - Van Buren, Arkansas
sunnybrook100: Tower and Dormer Window on the North Side of the United Pentacostal Church Sign - Van Buren, Arkansas