sunny00_04: Hugs for photo!
sunny00_04: Hadley (Butt-Butt)
sunny00_04: Madison Rognerud
sunny00_04: Mikayla and her crablegs!
sunny00_04: O.P.P.
sunny00_04: Hadley with grouse
sunny00_04: hadley loved the water
sunny00_04: Owie!
sunny00_04: Nolie mowing!
sunny00_04: Hadley posing at a landing
sunny00_04: DSCN0319
sunny00_04: Garet wearing my sweatshirt!
sunny00_04: Got Ya Reid!
sunny00_04: Hadley, Garet, and Annie
sunny00_04: Annie's Posse!
sunny00_04: Madison and Matilda
sunny00_04: Tired Mikayla
sunny00_04: Hadley grouse hunting
sunny00_04: Hadley in the wagon
sunny00_04: Binoculars help!
sunny00_04: hadley!
sunny00_04: A bunch of us
sunny00_04: Mikayla
sunny00_04: Getting ready for a picture
sunny00_04: Mikayla on Valentine's Day
sunny00_04: Valentine's first run in the backyard...
sunny00_04: Mikayla and Valentine
sunny00_04: Talon and Valentine
sunny00_04: Talon and Valentine
sunny00_04: DSC_0256